Sara Davidson, a young reporter, met Joan before she became Joan Didion — the beloved author of best-selling books that people would carry around and quote. Joan was deeply private, but she let down her guard with Sara, who would later write Loose Change and other best-selling books. They shared meals, and laughter, and often stayed up late, talking about the craft of writing, marriage, raising their children, and why Joan refused an advance from Warren Beatty. Funny, intimate, and deep, this is the Joan Didion you’ve never seen or heard, behind the books, dark glasses, and the camera.

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Sara Davidson

Writer - Speaker - Journalist

Sara Davidson first captured America’s imagination with her N.Y. Times best seller, Loose Change, about three women growing up in the Sixties. In her many books, articles, TV shows and radio interviews, she’s earned a reputation as a social observer who does cutting edge pieces about the way we live.

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The Rabbi Loosens my Mind

November, 30, 2024

In the massive cleaning I’m doing of my office—the first in maybe 20 years—I keep running across pieces I’ve written and forgotten. I just found the first thing I wrote about Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, the beloved spiritual teacher I met when I moved to Boulder. Remembering the time we spent together always makes me smile.  Enjoy. Midway through my sixties, I woke up in

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